Change in Healthcare Setting concerning Electronic Health Records

Change in Healthcare Setting concerning Electronic Health Records

The need for a health information technology (HIT) connectivity to transfer data and create information-sharing channels between healthcare providers is becoming more apparent as healthcare moves toward widespread use of technology (electronic health records) to address growing patient care and safety concerns. Cost is perhaps the most significant organizational barrier to new technology adoption. Both the start-up and maintenance expenditures of new technology might be excessive. Furthermore, evaluating the patient and cost-benefit savings of new technologies on patient care may be challenging. As a result, obtaining justification for capital expenditures for new technologies may be challenging. From the standpoint of healthcare professionals, if money is the most significant organizational barrier, time is the most critical obstacle. In general, time constraints concern the acquisition, education, implementation, use, and testing of new technology’s usefulness and efficiency. Healthcare workers, particularly those who work directly with patients, have limited time to learn about new technologies. Before healthcare practitioners adopt new technology, they must be persuaded that it will not add to their burden or time spent treating patients but rather will integrate effortlessly into their existing workflow.

Change that impacts workflow, paperwork, and patient care makes most healthcare professionals nervous. While technology has the potential to improve healthcare, until healthcare professionals overcome their fear of change, the industry will continue to fall behind, and the advantages of new technology will never be realized. For example, asking a risk manager to abandon paper occurrence reports in favor of a Web-based electronic health record (EHR) requires a high level of confidence in the new system. Because most healthcare practitioners prioritize patient care, any technology that disrupts “tried and true” treatment patterns must overcome concerns of trust and concern for the patient’s well-being. In order for healthcare practitioners to adopt new technology, it must have a positive effect on workflow and patient care. All too frequently, physicians are not educated about their use of technology or do not get feedback on it. Healthcare practitioners (particularly doctors) need feedback on their own usage of the technology to perceive the practical advantages in terms of saved time, better staff utilization, and better patient care. Each supplier must assess the new technology’s personal usefulness.

‘Empowering individuals to better their health behaviors’ is my slogan to urge colleagues to embrace electronic health records. Effective EHR deployment necessitates determining staff computer capabilities and offering training. This is particularly significant in programs where clinical procedures are predominantly paper-based and limited computer utilization. It may not be essential for individuals who currently use practice management software or other health technology. Now is the moment to find out whether your staff can execute complicated activities on a computer. Your front desk personnel may be scanning and printing insurance cards to attach to each patient’s paper record, but do they know how to preserve the scans? Why not add such documents to the client’s electronic chart?

It will be necessary to communicate information technology’s effect and future status in hospitals to achieve transformation. The Electronic Health Records Demonstration is a five-year experiment encouraging small to medium-sized primary care medical practices to adopt electronic health records to enhance patient care quality. The demonstration aims to demonstrate how broad adoption and usage of EHRs may minimize medical mistakes and enhance service quality. The justification for such a presentation is that the employees will have firsthand knowledge and understanding of why EHR is vital for empowering communities to be more aware of their health conditions and how EHR can promote better individual healthcare. Communication combined with demonstration is an excellent strategy to ensure that healthcare personnel understand the role of EHR in improving community health.

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