Betsy Hotel

Section 1

The independent hotel is called the Betsy Hotel.

Section 2

The 4 P’s include product, price, promotion, and place.


The website portrays the place as being luxurious, thus influence potential customers to feel that despite costs being high, the services and products are of high quality. For instance, the client would have paid to see the orb-shaped sky bridge, which is Miami’s groundbreaking art piece.


The hotel has other amenities such as culture and arts place, curated events such as yoga. The website mentions ‘ a storied chef’ monitors the kitchen to show clients that it has renowned professions. The hotel has luxurious suites and rooms, finished with walnut floors, luxury furnishings, and marble bathrooms, including the owner’s collection’s artwork. The hotel has a rooftop swimming pool suspended midair


Betsy promotes its business by alleging that it is amongst the best hotels globally. The website indicates that it has discounted offers in that when one stays for 7 days longer, they save 25 percent. The discounted offer includes being given American breakfast daily. Another offer is called the Georgia and Florida Resident Special, in which one enjoy dining credit at a 100 percent after 10 percent savings on the next stay. However, the offer only applies to Georgia and Florida residents


The luxurious beach front hotel in Miami has the most fascinating neighborhoods in the United States. The rooms overlook the hotel’s Atrium and Art Deco District.

Section 3

The hotel’s marketing strategy is symbolic positioning, whereby Betsy Hotel enhances its clients’ ego, belongingness, and image. For instance, the use of ‘luxury’ that boosts the consumers’ image and self-esteem. The business demographically targets high class individuals with families. The business also targets individuals living in Georgia and Florida to receive the discounts. The business also targets people who love art. Betsy has focused on one’s psychographic features, which includes lifestyles, attitudes, values, beliefs, interests, and personality traits.

Section 4

The data gathering tools used are photography and case studies. The website portrays pictures of the place, including the rooms and food for potential clients to have a picture of what to expect. The website has shared a story of Henry Garner, who has been going to the hotel since 1943. There are pictures attached of him at the hotel in 1943 and 2021.


Section 5

The micro-environmental factors being addressed are the workers and consumers. The website talks about having renown art pieces in which clients who love art may be interested to come and see such as the orb-shaped sky bridge. The website acknowledges its staff such as Pastry Chef Gabriela Amelunge. The chef creates desserts and oversees the pastry program. The website utilized the information effectively since its portraying that it has some unique features.

The macro-environmental factors being focused on includes the social factors. The business focuses on attracting high class individuals who love art. The website utilized the information effectively because of showing pictures of the place, including the extraordinary and luxurious features it offers.

Section 6

Intangibility factor

The website uses photos of foods, rooms, and places of the amenities being offered to try and overcome the intangibility factor. Manufacturing goods would be marketed through, for example, allowing people to test their functionality.


The website shows high quality photos of expensive foods and rooms to connect consumers with the luxurious products and services, hence creating inseparability. The manufacturing process and ingredients would have to be explained thoroughly to enable the target group to understand the process.


The website portrays consistency by showcasing a scenario of Henry Garner, who has been to the hotel since 1943. The hotel shows an example of consumers who have loved the placed and would not mind spending most of their lives frequenting the hotel. The manufactured goods would have to continue producing quality without compromise. The goods should not lose standards when there is increase in client base. The goods could be redesigned or rebranded to attract other new clients


The website portrays that Chef Tourondel Laurent and his team provide culinary excellence. Customers would have to try their food before they retire or succumb. Expiry dates are indicated on the manufactured commodities.

Section 7

Marketing concepts

The selling concept indicate that a product sell itself as long as it fulfills a consumer’s needs. The website talks about having unique art pieces to fulfill the need of a client who aspires to see unique features. The business’s other selling concept is adhering to promotional activities. The business has discount offers. The website does not adhere to the product concept, in which one produces more goods or services continuously, with less focus on the quality.

Marketing principles

The luxurious beach front hotel in Miami has the most fascinating neighborhoods in the United States. The business adheres to the 4 P’s of marketing, which contributes to its success. Betsy promotes its business by alleging that it is amongst the best hotels globally. The website indicates that it has discounted offers in that when one stays for 7 days longer, they save 25 percent.

Suggested Improvement

The business could consider showing customer reviews and comments to prove. The business would have proved have quality products and services as it claims in its website.







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