San Diego Obesity and infant mortality rates
Despite the advanced technology, increased healthy living, and exercising in the country, San Diego still experiences high obesity and infant mortality rates. San Diego County is the most populous compared to other counties in the state of California. The health sector in the community is an area to be applauded, given that the life expectancy is approximately 82 years of age. The general good health of the community is also evident by the fact that almost 975 of the general population have access to exercise opportunities which is one way of staying fit (Serpas et al., 2013). However, there is still an increased rate of obesity among females aged 25 to about 50years and high death rates of infants in minority communities; this is because of diverse factors as discussed below.
More than 30% of the people in the states suffer from obesity which mainly occurs to women after giving birth to their children. The problem of health issues in the minority groups due to lack of education contributes to higher children mortality rates and increased substance abuse (Serpas, et al., 2013). Consequently, a lack of well-versed economical support in the community leads to poor food consumption, and people are forced to purchase fast food since they cannot afford a healthy meal. The county government can create free education and training facilities to ensure people access the necessary and quality education. Thus people will be able to take care of their health and use necessary preventive methods to avoid unplanned pregnancies. The education will also enable them to access well-paying jobs and alleviate them to the same average earning status as the rest of the county residents; income inequality sits at approximately 4.7%. Another area that the county could improve on is the severe housing problem which sits at 25%.
More than 60% of the minority live in poor housing, contributing to the mortality rate (Haidar & Cosman, 2011). The provision of access to shelter is a basic need; this is an area that needs a lot of attention and resources to be directed into the region. Cheaper credits for poor households, a significant driver of prices, should be addressed accordingly and systematically (Landvoigt, 2015).
Conversely, San Diego County performs well in terms of health status and is considered one of the healthiest counties in California, having a percentage of 75%-100%. The number of people impacted by the coronavirus is approximately 400 000 people, with the deaths averaging approximately 4000people. The trend has worsened over time since discovering the virus, given that the virus is airborne. The situation lessened a bit with the discovering of the corona vaccination earlier this year. The county is not yet out of the woods, but the trend has moved from negative to positive. The purpose of the healthy people 2030 objectives looks to study the data of the healthy people and the literacy level of people on health and its digitalization objectives. After carefully studying this, it seems to shed light on the trends and gaps and how these factors can be dealt with.
The purposes of healthy People 2030 include health equity, health literacy, and population health. Healthy People 2030 looks to make people aware of how to reduce the fatalities caused by the virus and how it might be controlled (Jackson, 2021). The community can change the health trends by creating awareness on ways to prevent various diseases to those they co-exist together. The district could also avoid stigmatization of those suffering from chronic conditions like mental health and HIV and help them to restore their self-esteem. The community members could also try to maintain a conducive environment for living by preventing pollution, which could increase the life expectancy ratio.