Origin of Injustice: Narcotic Drug Abuse
Origin of Injustice: Narcotic Drug Abuse
In the ancient world, psychotropic plants were used as food sources and not as external chemicals that altered the body’s normal functions. They were used as sources of nutrition, providing the body with vitamins, proteins, and minerals rather than recreational purposes. Over the years, these plants evolved to produce chemicals that deter herbivores and other pathogens. These allelogens changed the way these plants affected the human body. Environmental factors in the human population, such as parental care (or its lack), also changed, leading to overuse and abuse of these substances to cope with life’s changes and maintain feelings of happiness (Saah, 2005). Several factors contributed to increased narcotic drug abuse, as discussed below.
Cause No.1; Family History of Addiction
Drug abuse is more prevalent in some families and may involve genetic predisposition. One is more likely to develop an addiction if a blood relative is a drug addict. Lack of a strong bond with parents and siblings may also increase the risk of addiction (Foo et al., 2012).
Money Power and Control: Drug Cartels
Organized criminal networks involved in drug trafficking are known to frustrate initiatives that seek to stop and reduce narcotic drug abuse (Desroches, 2007). They are well connected and use several tactics to remain in control, as discussed below.
Tactic 1: Corruption and Law enforcement Institutions
The main strategy used by criminal organizations is to ensure law enforcement officers are on their payroll. Police chiefs are mainly targeted, and these drug chiefs become “untouchable” by junior officers, thus frustrating the war on drug abuse. Those who do not cooperate are threatened together with their families and have no choice but to allow the illegal activities to continue (Desroches, 2007).
Legislation: The Controlled substances Act (CSA)
This act by the 117th Congress provides a framework to regulate certain drugs that pose a significant risk for addiction and dependence. Controlled substances are divided into four sections from schedules I through IV based on their potential for dependence. The DEA is the federal body tasked with enforcing this act and has the authority to place a substance under temporary control in an emergency that endangers public health (Lampe, 2021).
Cultural Norms: The Social Media Culture
The dawn of social media and the internet has brought immense changes in the cultural viewpoint of young people worldwide. About 80 % of the youth worldwide have access to a smartphone and the internet. This has largely shaped their cultural view from what they were accustomed to.
Nowadays, drug use has been normalized in music videos, movies, and social media in general. This exposure portrays to young people that drug abuse is an acceptable way to socialize and part of everyday life (Moreno & Whitehill, 2014).
Ethical Obligation of the Health Care Professional: Future Nurse
Nurses play a significant role in advocating for the discontinuation of narcotic drug abuse in teens. A nurse’s skill set in diagnosing and referring the patient for further treatment without being judgmental is essential as it motivates patients to seek help without fear of victimization (Manworren & Gilson, 2015).
Evidence no.1
Nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) have advocated for the elimination of the opioid epidemic by educating patients on the risks and benefits of various pain treatment options and identifying patients who may be at risk of substance abuse. The association offers Continuing Education courses to registered nurses to improve their understanding of topics such as substance use and pain management (Manworren & Gilson, 2015).
As such, nurses have a unique opportunity to prevent substance use and addiction by advocating for patients and ensuring early identification and treatment.
Saah, T. (2005). The evolutionary origins and significance of drug addiction. Harm Reduct J 2, 8 https://doi.org/10.1186/1477-7517-2-8
Joanna R.Lampe. (2021). The Controlled Substances Act (CSA): A Legal Overview for the 117th Congress. Congressional Research service. From; https://sgp.fas.org/crs/misc/R45948.pdf
Desroches, F. (2007). Research on upper level drug trafficking: A review. Journal of Drug Issues, 37(4), 827-844.
Moreno, M. A., & Whitehill, J. M. (2014). Influence of social media on alcohol use in adolescents and young adults. Alcohol research: current reviews, 36(1), 91.
Manworren, R. C., & Gilson, A. M. (2015). Nurses’ Role in Preventing Prescription Opioid Divers. The American journal of nursing, 115(8), 34-40.
Foo, Y. C., Tam, C. L., & Lee, T. H. (2012). Family factors and peer influence in drug abuse: a study in rehabilitation centre. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health, 4(3), 0-0.