Module 09 Discussion – Nursing Intervention

Module 09 Discussion – Nursing Intervention

A nurse is often not required to carry out a physician’s orders. On the other hand, nurses cannot choose which orders to obey and which to ignore randomly (Butcher et al., 2018). Failure to carry out instructions may be the reason for disciplinary by the workplace and the board of nursing, only if there is a safety issue or an instruction that disagrees with personal or religious views. Failure to carry out instructions might be judged “negligence” by the workplace and the board of nursing. An intervention a nurse can perform without having first to receive orders from the doctor is administering medication when a patient is experiencing acute pain (Butcher et al., 2018). When a patient is experiencing acute pain, and the physician is not close, it is the duty of the nurse to prescribe the patient medication to relieve his or her pain and ensure that the patient is in good condition before seeking further assistance from a physician. For a nurse to be able to provide medication to a patient, she or he must be conversant with the patient’s illness and be able to know the appropriate medication that they can administer that will lower the patient’s pain and not further cause an adverse reaction causing the patient to experience further pain (Butcher et al., 2018). It is essential for nurses to rely on their judgment; thus, administering the appropriate medication instead of waiting for the physician should be their first instinct. According to the nursing practice, their main objective is to ensure the patient receives the appropriate care. Medication is among the most prevalent worries. “Right medicine” is among the rights of pharmaceutical administration. It is critical for patient care and outcome to provide the appropriate medicine to reduce the patient’s acute pain.


Butcher, H. K., Bulechek, G. M., Dochterman, J. M., & Wagner, C. M. (2018). Nursing interventions classification (NIC)-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.


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