Department of Homeland Security

Department of Homeland Security

The organization chosen for the analysis was the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Department of Homeland security was established on November 25, 2002, as an executive branch established to ensure national security within the United States. The government budgetary allocation in post-November 2002 provides a clear suggestion of its commitment to achieving national security. When it was created, the Department of Homeland Security’s first budget, when it w started, was 19.2 Billion Dollars (Hoang, 2021). The 2022 fiscal year budgetary allocation for the Department of Homeland Security is $ 52.2 Billion (Tromblay, 2021). The Department of Homeland Security is the 3rth largest cabinet Department and has 240,000 employees working for the government department.

The Department of Homeland Security has a considerable impact on the lives of the average American. DHS has achieved significant progress in its crucial mission areas, including border security and the prevention of terrorism. The Government department has been constantly focused on areas including the enforcement of immigration laws, ensuring high resilience to disasters, and the general security of cyberspace. Significant impacts of the ole that the DHS plays have been witnessed in disaster management (Hoang, 2021). The Department of Homeland Security has effectively engaged with various community leaders and is valuable for facilitating recovery efforts for Americans who disasters have impacted. The provision of critical resources such as the Surge Capacity Force plays a crucial role in ensuring effective disaster management (Tromblay, 2021). Due to the emergence of various social media sites and increased activities in cyberspace, the part of the Department of Homeland Security is becoming more imminent, and that most Americans feel protected from cyberspace crimes by the Department of Homeland Security (Tromblay, 2021). Prevention of terrorism is also another critical way in which the Department of Homeland Security ensures the safety of American citizens through monitoring of probable terrorism threats in the country. From the following analysis, the DHS is seen to play an integral role in the lives of various Americans.

A complete analysis is also made on the cost and benefits of the Department of Homeland security. From the statistical analysis, the price for the Department of Homeland Security in 2021 was $52.2Billion, $49.8Billion in Discretional Funding, and $5.1 Billion in Disaster Funds. The cost-benefit assessments for the Department of Homeland Security are also based on the number of lives saved and the associated costs. The costs per life saved in the Department of Homeland security ranges between $63 million to 630 million dollars (Hoang, 2021). This value is approximately 8 to 80 times the value accepted by society as appropriate for risk reduction. This generally implies that the ratio of 8 to 90 in life saved by Homeland security is too large and is not as cost-effective in saving the lives of the Americas (“Reassessing Homeland Security Intelligence,” 2021). From the following analysis,  the Department of homeland security is spending way too high to achieve the benefits of saving American lives.


The final evaluation is to estimate the inflation-adjusted growth for the budgetary allocation for the Department of Homeland Security. With the initial costs of 19.2 Billion dollars, the 2020 inflation-adjusted cost is obtained as 28208500327 Dollars. 2020 was considered for the inflation adjustment calculation since there are no available inflation figures for 2021.



Reassessing Homeland Security Intelligence. (2021, May 25). CNAS.

Tromblay, D. E. (2021). Botching Bio-Surveillance: The Department of Homeland Security and COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, 1–4.





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