Business Assignment Help │Responsibility to Protect
- -Briefly explain what Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is, if it a reasonable thing to pursue, and if the concept of R2P should pursued further or left behind (and why).
- -How do MNC’s aid democratization and open societies, and in what circumstances are MNCs obstacles to open societies?
- -Why has the number of IGO’s rapidly expanded over the past two centuries, in parallel with the growth of the number of sovereign states and the growth of NGOs and civil society?
- -Today, how are ancient transnational networks using new means to combat modern global issues? Giv.e example.s. What evidence do you see of religious actors addressing global issues?
- is the difference between a refugee, a migrant, and an internally displaced person? Who are the people that find themselves in the grey area of these definitions and why?
- -What are the benefits and/or risks to referring to diseases as security issues rather than as health or medical issues?
While there is no required len,gth for an answe.r, you should remember that the less you writ.e, the less there is to Shorter ans.wers, while succinct, may not provide enough evidence to ans.wer a question effectively and result in a poor grade. While an an.swer too long may look full of fluff and distract from answerin.g the qu.estion. Studen.ts should find the sweet spot in between that both the que.stion effectively and provides enough evidence of your knowledge on the topi.c..
there are 6 ques/tions, in my i will have to ans/wer only 2. i want the best ans.wers, and the best expla.nation to understand each of these ques.tions.
250 words per ques/tion
i just upload all the week respon/ses that you did in the last days, also you can find the lectures in each post of the last weeks