Nursing Assignment Help│A client with anxiety, Insomnia, bipolar and depression.

A client with anxiety, Insomnia, bipolar and depression. As a psych therapist, discuss on the following topics:


A. Vulnerability (factors in a person’s life that cause make the client vulnerable for experiencing anxiety)

B. Beliefs (what are the belief system that client holds about anxiety)

C. Triggers and Modifiers

D. Precipitant

E. Maintenance

F. Treatment target


A. Vulnerability (factors in a person’s life that cause make the client vulnerable for experiencing depression)

B. Beliefs (what are the belief system that client holds/can hold about depression)

C. Triggers and Modifiers

D. Precipitant

E. Maintenance

F. Treatment target

Bipolar disorder:

A. Vulnerability (factors in a person’s life that cause make the client vulnerable for experiencing borderline disorder)

B. Beliefs (what are the belief systems that client holds about borderline disorder)

C. Triggers and Modifiers

D. Precipitant

E. Maintenance

F. Treatment target

Discuss systematic therapeutic techniques you will teach as a therapist to help the client to cope with or manage her depression, anxiety, and insomnia and bipolar systems.

Use APA format as a reference (journal within 5 years

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