Peopling a white nation
This article explains that most of the common assumptions that have been made about the founding fathers of the United States rely on them being whites. However, Europeans played a great deal in the creation of history in the United States. The immigration rates of the Europeans contributed significantly towards the acquisition of privileges for the white race. For the formation of a white nation, Europeans engaged in the recruitment of Africans into slavery. They were regarded as workers instead of citizens. When Europeans arrived in the US, they were offered land under policies that allowed selling, dividing and surveying it.
The author also explains that whites employed Europeans in US industries. Earlier, the workers who worked at the mills were the same ones who worked at the farms. This became a little bit hard when the plantations expanded, and they could no longer double deal. This led some of the employers to import workers from Europe. Therefore, Europeans have played a significant role in peopling a white nation because they replaced the positions that whites could not give to people of colour.
Ethnic Studies is the experience of a vibrant broadening within the K-12 level. White people try to associate themselves with Ethnic Studies, and this process became more of rewriting history than remembering it. This is because most of the triumphs and heroic acts talked about were done by the Europeans.
In the past, the US experienced the emergence of languages and cultures from different immigrant communities. The purpose of this was to acquire racial power, which led to the loss of original ethic knowledge. This, therefore, made the US a cultureless country. For example, the white children in a multicultural school perceived ethnicity as a thing for the past and were uninterested. Those who were in white-dominated schools did not have the time to think about it anyway.
Race, class and gender
The writer bases his writing on white supremacy, gender and race. The main point he is trying to pass across is the reaction of the supremacists to the Jews. They hated Jews without any particular reason. After months of study, the writer discovered that supremacists considered Jews as eradicators of the white race through interracial marriages. This article explains how the writer was ignorant of his racial background, and it did not matter to him until he felt attacked because of it. The writer grows up and realizes that being a Jew does not just describe the religious denomination of an individual but is also a racial boundary from white people.
The attacks from white supremacists towards the writer force him to embrace his racial background. This is the same phenomenon that is extracted from the reaction of the white supremacists towards the Jews. When they feel like their power and privilege is being jeopardized, they find a reason to attack.
The writer concludes that the white supremacists hate Jews because of the ambiguity about their racial identity. They cannot figure out whether Jews are whites or people of colour. Therefore, Jews do not fall on either side of the races, threatening white supremacists the most.
The sin of white supremacy
This article talks about white supremacy from a position in which the whites in America enjoy privileges that are not available for non-whites. The writer talks explicitly about Christians who are whites and their perception of the segregation that is happening near them. The tragedies that befall the people who are minorities in society wish that the world would treat them differently. However, these Christians help the affected people but only to some extent. They do this as an act of what a Christian would do to the needy, but they get back to their white life afterwards.
The lesson learnt from this article is the hope for people of all races to join in the eradication of racial separation through embracing God’s teachings. This would ensure racial reconciliation and physical security for every member of society. Therefore, there would be love in a society that would ensure prevailed justice.
The year in hate and extremism
This article talks about the racial behaviours that were propagated by Trump when he was inaugurated. Most Americans who did not want to be associated with other races backed him up even though they were not affected socially or economically. He also came up with policies that banned Muslims from migrating into America and general immigration from other countries. These activities were followed by hate crimes country-wide. The most prominent one happened in Charlottesville on the 12th of August. In 2017, the country realized a growth of anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, neo-Nazi and general racial movements. The different groups of people apart from the whites are riding against white supremacy concerning the racial identity of Trump.
The events of Charlottesville showed the white supremacists’ hatred they had for the Jews. The event, however, backfired as the media did not lend them a hand to air their wants. It led to disaster and a lot of violence in the end. This article clearly shows how the hatred from whites in America towards people of colour, different religious and sexual orientations ascended due to the election of President Trump. Therefore, he played a significant role in supporting the hate groups and white supremacists while thinking they would secure a proper political ground that would favour their interests.
What is white privilege?
This article talks about white privilege, its relation to racism and the power it bestows upon those who experience it. White privilege is the availability of power and resources presented to a white person in a particular situation that is not available for people of colour. This automatically makes the people of colour be on the disadvantaged side. The involvement of an individual in white privileges does not make them racist. However, due to biases and endured racism, there emerges the existence of white privilege.
The writer also explains the change that has happened to white privilege over the years. It was previously considered a psychological prejudice from white people, but research has shown that it is more of an aftermath of the conscious choices made by them as time went by. For example, if a white employer decides to employ only white people, this decision would affect the economic status of people of colour negatively. In conclusion, the perception of white privileges by white is not that constructive because it entails more than just the feeling of prejudice. It escalates from psychological effects to consciously make choices that determine the outcome of the people of colour.
“Why I Quit the Klan”
This article is about C.P. Ellis, who was a member of the Klan. He decided to join this group because he felt like he had no belonging in the community, and life was hard for him. He did not have anyone to blame and therefore decided to place it on the people of colour. With his association with the clan, Ellis felt like he was a part of something and was against black people. However, as he continued to associate himself with the Klan, he was elected as the school committee chairman with a black woman as his co-chairperson. He was disturbed by the situation because of how he had been brought up. He was always to hate the Jews, Catholics and blacks.
Regardless of all the hatred he had, he decided to make peace with his co-chairperson one day because of the similar goals they wanted to achieve. As they got to know each other better, Ellis realized that black people also experience problems just like white people, and the difference is only their colour. He also discovered that the people in power are just using racial differences to support their benefits. This article portrays the message that people with different racial backgrounds could fight against the similar problems they face in the community and support each other for the greater good.