Non-violence drug offenders


Incarceration may not be a real penalty for low-level or non-violence offenders when the offenders are the results of drugs addiction, mental illness or first-time criminals. A lot of money and space is wasted in imprisonment, which would be instead used for other crimes that are significant threats. According to the research done by the criminal justice system, they may use other alternatives to replace incarceration. For instance, community-based abuse of drugs and substance can reduce drug-related criminal behaviour and the use of drugs. Research has shown that illicit drugs have continued to increase in prisons, which makes imprisonment the appropriate method of dealing with drug abuse. (Beckett, Beach, Knaphus & Reosti, (2018).

Instead of incarceration, we should start strengthening cost-efficient alternatives through streamlining people and borating systems to enable us adequately monitor those who sincerely pose public safety risks. Those who need treatments should be highly prioritized by giving them adequate treatment to keep them off from reoffending themselves to go back to productivity to the society. The non-offenders who are ready to enter back to the community should be allowed to show their interest and complete the training and education causes to enable them to do well in society.

We should transition people currently incarcerated into the high living environment to offer them places in the community to adjust to the community like before. Through this, people who come directly from the prison may reform and reduce prisons, becoming better people.

Instead of incarcerations, we should adopt decriminalization of certain activities and reclassify non- offender since punishing crimes through imprisoning non-offenders may accelerate the number of people in prisons. This action will bring unwanted effects like drug usage in prisons, and people who make laws should look for other alternative ways of penalizing non-offenders which may affect the public on the way they perceive drug. for instance, rehabilitating them and teaching them on the introductory courses will keep them off from drugs since some use drugs due to indelibleness once finding their works to do maybe practical rather than imprisoning them. (D’Amico & Williamson,2019).

People with health or substance abuse problems should be kept away from the criminal justice system through expanding alternatives to prison non-violent crimes alternatives available in the area. These alternatives are community correction centres where non-offenders are punished and taken through ways to reduce the usage of drugs by reducing the number of medications they use per day. They are also being given some non-drug-related substances that taste like the drugs as a process of keeping them off from using the drugs and finally stop using the drugs.

We may use alternatives like the drug and mental courts. Drug victims are taught how to keep off from using drugs and how drugs can negatively impact their lives. They are also trained on the importance of mental hygiene. Imposing fines are also imposed on these courts, making the non-offenders incur costs that may make them keep off from drugs. (Weidner& Schultz,2019).

Victims who get imprisoned should be kept for a bit of time with fine but have a course that will sustain them and fit in a society like it before. This alternative will enable the number of non-violent victims in the prisons to reduce, which will reduce the amount of money budgeted for prisons and increase the money coming from people who once were jailed, leading to rising in the economy.






Table of Contents


D’Amico, D. J., & Williamson, C. R. (2019). An empirical examination of institutions and cross-country incarceration rates. Public Choice180(3), 217-242.

Weidner, R. R., & Schultz, J. (2019). We are examining the relationship between US incarceration rates and population health at the county level. SSM-population health9, 100466.

Beckett, K., Beach, L., Knaphus, E., & Reosti, A. (2018). US Criminal Justice Policy and Practice in Twenty‐First Century: Toward the End of Mass Incarceration?. Law & Policy40(4), 321-345.










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