Bernstein melody
Bernstein melody is a sound that changes along with time and has a series of notes that move along with time. Melody has a theme, motive, line, baseline, and inner voice. Thus, melodies form a singing side of music. A rhythm is the dancing side with a beginning, middle, and end. The linear succession of musical tune, voice, and tones that the listener perceives as a single entity also make up a melody. At the same time, a motif is a melodic or rhythmic idea that is usually manipulated and repeated throughout a piece of music.
Well, that’s already a sort of melody. It’s a two-note melody -some kind of. Then we add another note. Well, it’s already a little more melodious. But, if he then adds a few more
well, we’ve got Mendelssohn’s Wedding on March
See how simple it is? Where there’s music, there has to be melody. You can’t have one without the other.
Some people claim that they dislike Bach fugues because they aren’t melodious. Others argue the same about Wagner opera. They find that he usually constructs huge operas out of tiny little motives instead of writing traditional tunes such as the Italian opera. For example, others also take issues with current music, and jazz others also state that incomplete tune or a theme gives them a lot of difficulties understanding and enjoying the music. All these are reasons that people intimate as troubles identifying the various example more so those who always expect music to have full-blown tunes. According to Bernstein, the counterpoint lies in the fact that melody may take many forms: it can be in the form of a tune, a theme, a motive, a long melodic line, a bass line, or an inner voice — all of these things, and once people understand the differences between them, Bernstein believes that they will be able to comprehend the fundamental difference. Furthermore, people typically think of a melody as a song or a tune or something one can quickly go out while whistling or easy to remember.
Mozart’s symphony is easier to understand since it involves the repetition of tunes and rhythms and has a fully spun-out theme that makes it enjoyable. This was made possible by Mozart omitting tunes 2 and 4. In the process, he makes the second motive begin smack on the end of the first one so that the last note of one and the first note of the other are joined or locked together. Bernstein also states that Mozart’s symphony is majorly promoted in G-minor that gives it perfect shape and curve, making it rise in tension and sink in relaxation since they are sweet and tender.