Annotated Bibliography on  Impact analysis of wireless and mobile technology on business management strategies

Annotated Bibliography on an Analysis of the Importance of Mobile Technology on Small Businesses in Noordwyk


Pihie, Z. A. L., & Bagheri, A. (2010). Entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial efficacy of technical secondary school students. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 62(3), 351-366.

According to Pihie & Bagheri, (2010), in their study aimed at finding out the entrepreneurial attitude and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of learners in instructions of higher learning in Malaysia where they based their hypothesis that these students had sufficient technical knowledge required to start and run a successful business based on their realized strengths and weaknesses. The research used a sample of 3000 students from higher learning in three states in Malaysia and found out that these students possessed high confidence in all dimensions concerning their behavior, innovation, attitude, and self-efficacy.

Collins, L., Hannon, P. D., & Smith, A. (2004). Enacting entrepreneurial intent: the gaps between student needs and higher education capability. Education+ training.

This paper concerns understanding learners’ entrepreneurial desires and aspirations and the entrepreneurial education offered in higher learning institutions. A survey was conducted from 1500 students using questionnaires. Findings showed that many factors drove students to start and successfully run their business ventures ranging from the urge to being their bosses and gaining experience.

Annotated Bibliography on Impact of Mobile Technology in Business Communication


In his 2016 write-up on the impact of technology on business communication, John Smith found out that technology, more so mobile technology, has immensely contributed to the improved development of business. He showed that technology has brought about several improvements ranging from improved customer experience where esteemed customers can raise their concerns using the various mobile applications developed by multiple business ventures and get real-time answers and feedback on their circumstances. These apps have also been observed to improve collaboration among workmates in a business franchise. These can be followed through constant interaction and concurrence, which can be through teleconferencing, virtual meeting, and video calls, among others which in the long run have been observed to increase productivity among these essential members of the business. Technology has made it easier for corporations and organizations to sell their products and services efficiently. These are important since it helps business to grow exponentially within a short period but using limited resources. Also, from the findings, it has been shown that companies can store their data in the cloud, which makes it easier for them to carry out market surveys and carry out timely and effective decisions concerning their buAzim, R., & Hassan, A. (2013). Impact analysis of wireless and mobile technology on business management strategies. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 2(2), 141-150.

The main goal of this study is to look into the effects of wireless and mobile technology on Motorola’s business management development and future strategies. Motorola Inc. was chosen as a case study for this study because of its illustrious past, recent crisis, and transformative attempts to restructure its system and operations to capitalize on the wireless and mobile industry’s development opportunities. The research was included multiple data gathering approaches, including netnographic observations, key informant interviews, and the collecting and content analysis of essential documents, such as a quantitative financial report, which aided in the development of questions and the study’s context. From the research, it was discovered that Motorola’s patents on wireless signaling are of strategic edge and a cornerstone of the company’s expertise in the mobile and wireless industries. Google Inc, On the other side, owns the Android mobile operating system; thus, if the two companies partner since Google is strategically well-positioned to rule the mobile world and has paid a high price for Motorola’s intellectual ability, they can as well conquer the mobile technology world with their collaboration.

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