Corporation responsibility and accountability.

A corporation is a large company or group of companies authorized to act as a single entity and recognized as law. As in the film, social, ethical, and environmental responsibility are all factored through the duties of the companies. Socially, the companies are responsible for taking care of people factoring out their health, which is done by conserving the environment. Companies tend to pollute the environment through gasses produced by their industries, thus injuring the life of inborn and also grown-up where they course cancer and other diseases. They are also accountable for any damage made by the company through environmental pollution, where some have been fined for breaking the law.

Corporate involvement in government.

A corporation is involved with the government, which grants them authority and license to learn the businesses. They involve themselves through the payment of taxes and offering employment to the country’s citizens, thus generating income to the country. Also, the product produced from these corporations is marketed externally and exported to other countries through government involvement. Also, government plays a part in corporations by giving them capital for their development, security of insurance, and management. Corporations and government operate under the check and supervision of the other; government supervises the corporation’s code of conduct and how they work to impact people’s life.

Advertising and public space.

Corporations have the responsibility to advertise their product, ensuring they are well known to society. The advertisement may be done through promotions by the corporation, advertising in magazines or newspapers, and social media. It is with the people’s interest that corporations are stated and built under the public interest, thus offering space for the company and ideas of developing it. People also benefit socially by advertising these companies where they participate in promoting them; also, materials used and labor are from the public, thus making them grow as interdependent.


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