scientific concepts and theories

Numerous scientific research articles and papers are published every day, trying to elucidate specific scientific concepts and theories. Though some of the research papers are based on actual scientific researches constituting a theoretical and empirical level, other articles are usually based on mere claims based on individual shares or concepts. According to comedian John Oliver, most scientists put in all their efforts to ensure that they deliver concrete and reliable reporting of scientific ideas. Original scientific research encompasses testing an established hypothesis based on a specific theoretical concept and creating a conclusion based on empirical findings. The claims established in scientific research are approved with peer review and subsequent experiments to ascertain the obtained results. Therefore, contradicting results will imply the existence of a bias in one of the studies, hence a need for further evaluation.

Studies can use false claims supported by false statistical data presentations. The utilization of erroneous statistical data creates a disconnection between the empirical data and the study’s conclusion. Besides, the use of fraudulent data may entail introducing made-up variables and results to support a claim that is likely to attract more traffic towards one’s published article. The biases in scientific research can also result from the manipulation of the different sample sizes to enhance the attainment of a specific p-value to improve the analysis of their findings. Poor system support is also a critical factor in the increased production of substandard scientific discoveries and articles. The media presentation of different research findings is coupled with a lot of misinformation since their main aim is always to attract traffic to their various platforms. Oversimplification of scientific results and conclusions is also one factor that has affected most research findings’ credibility.

Therefore, as the consumers of all the scientific information provided through various channels and platforms, there is a need to utilize specific measures to separate real scientific facts from mere claims. These tools are widely used and useful in determining proper scientific research include the interrogation of allegations made in a scientific article or paper by using the various validity tests. There are three main types of claims in a study: frequency, association, and casual claims. The frequency claim defines a particular variable’s rate, while the association claim refers to the correlation between the results and conclusion. On the other hand, the causal request invokes the connection between different variables in research.

The various research claims can be interrogated by the different validity measures to establish their quality and credibility. The main validity tests used in examining multiple research claims include constructing internal, external, and statistical validity tests. The construct validity ascertains the shares in research by comparing the study’s tests to metrics of the same qualities to establish the degree of correlation between the various measures. Internal validity is meant to determine the extent of confidence that the findings and claims of research are accurate and have not been influenced by other factors. In contrast, external validity tests are meant to establish the applicability of the results and claims in real-life situations. The statistical validity tests are primarily designed to verify the study data’s accuracy and analytical tools’ reliability. Some critical statistical validity tests include the calculation of confidence intervals or estimation of the margins or error.


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