Problem Solution on Climate Change


A universal conversation that started with concerns over heating has now turned to the wide-ranging term climate change. The term is preferred by environmental experts to identify the intricate changes now altering the planet’s climate systems. Climate change includes not only increasing average warmth, but also the ever-changing wildlife populace and environments, and rising sea levels. All of these variations are emergent as human beings protract the increase of heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The research paper aims to examine the proposed solutions, objections to implementation of the mitigation measures and the benefits of the proposed solutions.

Research and investing alternative sources of energy

Foremost, human beings need to conduct research and invest in alternative sources of energy. According to Adams et al., human beings are dependent upon non-renewable sources of energy, for instance, fossil fuels (755). Through the combustion of fuels, large amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere. The gases soak up and trap warmth in the earth’s stratosphere. Therefore, adverse human activities such as combustion of fuels in industries contribute directly to the rising cases of climate change. Phasing out fossil fuels and integrating renewable energy, emissions from greenhouses can be mitigated.

In most nations, alternative forms of energy are being generated and invested upon. Three prominent alternative energy sources comprise of solar energy, tidal energy, and geothermal energy. Nations that are likely to experience long periods of summer and sunshine may consider using solar energy. In nations like Spain, solar power is produced in large quantities through the production in concentrated solar power stations. For nations close to water bodies, they may consider utilizing the tidal form of energy (Alma et al 127). The stations permit the storage of heat during the day and later converted to electricity when required.

With the inventive combinations of wind, waves, and tidal streams, a considerable quantity of energy can be generated. Globally, there is the likelihood of using the geothermal form of energy or source of heat under the surface of the earth. In 2019, the universal generation capacity of the world’s energy amounted to 12 gigawatts of electrical power and 35 gigawatts of thermal power (Bekun et al. 1024). Various nations have diverse natural surroundings that assist in lessening the utilization of fossil fuels.  Thus, extensive research and investments should be made for nations that may not have developed any form of large-scale production. Further development of the feasibility of alternative and renewable energy is one of the long-term resolutions.

Strict Enforcement of the Kyoto Treaty

The second proposed solution involves strict enforcement and adherence to environmental pacts. One of the conspicuous pacts includes the Kyoto Protocol of 2007. The pact’s aim was to provide regulations for first-world nations as they are considered to contribute to a substantial amount of emissions. According to Almer, the pact’s objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 5% and diminish global warming by 0.08 degrees by 2050 (130). Every nation ought to conform to the carbon reduction standards of the pact. With the fresh objectives and obligations, feasible forms of reinforcement and monitoring for more nations should be available. According to Adams et al., it is still possible to avert the worst impacts of climate change; however, it necessitates a robust and imperative unified act (755). If a region fails to adhere to the new obligations to regulate the discharges, greater punishments, such as expensive compensation, should be imposed. This action presents a higher sense of resolve towards tackling climate change menace. Therefore, this presents concrete efforts that facilitate the reduction of emissions in the atmosphere may take approximately three to four generations to make a positive impact.


Despite the drafting of long-standing solutions, the implementation is faced with specific objections. Foremost, in research by Bekun et al., individuals are perceived to be dependent on fossil fuels for various reasons (1023). For instance, in operating cars, powering offices, and manufacturing of products in industries. Therefore, the usage of renewable sources of power is considered unfavourable in certain aspects. Due to the intermittency of renewable power sources, there is a high energy storage requirement. Even though there are storing technologies accessible nowadays, they can be costly, particularly for large renewable energy factories. However, despite the objection to renewable sources of energy, reserving non-renewable sources is hazardous. Sources that produce renewable sources discharge little to no greenhouse vapours. This denotes that a reduced carbon footprint and a general affirmative effect on the atmosphere and surroundings. During the process of combustion, fossil fuels discharge high volumes of greenhouse vapours. This has been proved to aggravate the rising global heat and occurrence of life-threatening weather occurrences. Using fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases and other detrimental waste products, resulting in adverse climate changes. Using renewable energy helps reduce the pollutants’ prevalence and promoting a generally healthier environment.

In regard to the Kyoto protocol of 2007 as part of the proposed solution, the implementation of the pact faced objection.  The Kyoto Protocol was an enormous leap to a united international policy to diminish GHG’s discharges within the state. However, it was not devoid of its objections. Some of the main disapprovals were compared to classifying diverse zones into extensions, with every addition having its accountability for discharge decreases.

According to Almer, “most of the Protocol’s criticism has been founded on the concept of climate justice (128).”  This has mainly centered on the stability between the low discharges and high susceptibility of the emerging realm to climate change, compared to high discharges in the industrialized world. Other objections to the implementation of the protocol was as a result of the use carbon off-sets as a technique for regions to decrease its carbon discharges. Even though it can be valuable to balance out one GHG discharge by effecting a balanced carbon off-set, it still does not eradicate the initial carbon emissions. Therefore, eventually reducing the GHG amounts in the environment.

Benefits of the solution

Despite the objections, the proposed solutions result in several benefits. Most renewable energy sources generate little to no climate change discharges. With the inclusion of the “life cycle” discharges of clean power, the discharges from every phase of a technology’s life, the discharges linked to renewable power are minimal. The comparisons are clear regarding the figures that represent the emanations. Combustion of natural gasses for power discharges between 0.7 and 2 pounds of carbon equal per kilowatt-hour. On the other hand, coal discharges between 1.5 and 3.7 pounds of carbon. Wind discharges 0.04 to 0.06 pounds of carbon on a life-cycle basis, and geothermal generates 0.3 to 0.5 pounds.

The protocol requests institutes penalties for regions that fail to adhere to the set guidelines.. According to Almer, the Kyoto consensus is viewed as the most excellent course for protecting the climate (125).  The Kyoto Protocol depends on incentive-based guidelines coated beneath a world-wide cap on net releases of greenhouse gases. Within the Kyoto Protocol, there are numerous advantages and demerits for nations opting to integrate the set guidelines.   . The Protocol stresses on the trading of discharge reduction duties. A region may receive discharge decrease recognitions for surpassing its responsibilities to regulate emanations under the accord.


Climate change is a significant challenge to the existence of human beings. Changes in climate results to many detrimental effects such as the rise in temperature, rising sea levels, and changing wildlife populace and environment. Various proposals were suggested to mitigate the effects, including adherence to the Kyoto protocol and the use of renewable sources of energy.  However, the propositions have faced a significant objection due to specific attributes—for instance, the costly nature of renewable sources of power. The proposed solutions are beneficial towards the reduction of gasses and compelling regions to adhere to the set regulations in the pact. To fight climate change, a collective effort is required to combat the detrimental effects.

Works Cited

Almer, Christian, and Ralph Winkler. “Analyzing the effectiveness of international environmental policies: The case of the Kyoto Protocol.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 82 (2017): 125-151.

Bekun, Festus Victor, Andrew Adewale Alola, and Samuel Asumadu Sarkodie. “Toward a sustainable environment: Nexus between CO2 emissions, resource rent, renewable and non-renewable energy in 16-EU countries.” Science of the Total Environment 657 (2019): 1023-1029.

Adams, Samuel, Edem Kwame Mensah Klobodu, and Alfred Apio. “Renewable and non-renewable energy, regime type, and economic growth.” Renewable Energy 125 (2018): 755-767.





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