Agenesis of Corpus Callosum

Agenesis of corpus callosum (ACC) is a sporadic condition that is existent at birth or
congenital. It is typified by the complete non-existence of a region within the brain that links
both cerebral hemispheres. This brain region is usually comprised of crosswise fibers. The
reason for agenesis of the corpus callosum is typically unknown. However, it may be
inherited as either an autosomal receding attribute or an X-linked prevailing attribute. It may
also be attributed to infections during the 12th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. According to
Stoll Dott and Roth (2019), current studies indicate a connection with corpus callosum
thickness in children against the debilitating condition in the elderly. Developing studies also
indicate the relation between the subtle physical alterations apparent in patients with mental
and behavioral deficits in neurodevelopment disorders. For instance, autism, schizophrenia,
and attention-deficit syndrome. This may lead to the developmental substance of the brain.

Clinical Manifestations

Agenesis of the corpus callosum can initially be seen through epilepsy instances
during the early stages of life or in a child’s first two years. Nonetheless, not every individual
ailing from Agenesis exhibits signs of a seizure. Other signs of the disease include problems
during feeding, standing, and sitting. The deficiency of cerebral and physical growth and
fluid build-up in the skull, also known as hydrocephalus, indicates the initial onset of this
disease. Non-progressive psychological hindrance weakened hand-eye synchronization, and
optical or hearing memory damage can be detected through agenesis patients' neurological
However, in most cases, symptoms may not emerge for long periods. Elderly patients
are typically diagnosed during assessments for indicators such as seizures, redundant speech,
or headaches.  In minor circumstances, it can be disregarded due to a lack of clear indications
during childhood. Patients may exhibit deep-set ogles and a protruding forehead. An
unusually tiny head, also referred to as microcephaly, or sometimes an abnormally oversized
cranium can be exhibited.
Causes of Agenesis
In most instances, the root of agenesis is unidentified. Nonetheless, the disease may
be congenital as an autosomal receding attribute or an X-linked prevailing peculiarity. This
ailment can as well be attributed to infections during the gestation period, also known as
intrauterine. This results in the atypical growth of the fetal skull. Genetic ailments are
established through a blend of genes for a specific characteristic based on the DNAs acquired
from both parents. Receding genetic ailments happens when a person gets a similar irregular
DNA segment for identical attributes from both parents. If a child obtains one standard DNA
segment and one genetic material for the illness, the individual will be a disease carrier.
However, no symptoms will be exhibited. The possibility for both carrier parents to both disseminate the defective genetic material and, consequently, having an affected kid is 25% with every prenatal period (Craven et al., 2015). The possibility of having a carrier kid identical as the parents are 50% with every prenatal period.

Prevention Mechanisms

Nursing mechanisms for the disease are symptomatic and supportive. According to
Scola et al. (2016), evaluating and observing the seizures and dispensing anti-seizure
medications is of significant precedence. The capability to identify early indications of
hypothermia, seizures, and nourishing challenges widespread in neonates with nerve
deficiencies are imperative nursing care abilities with these distinctive patients. Also, other
treatment mechanisms include special training, physical rehabilitation, and interrelated
service recommendations would be incorporated. Genetic counseling can be beneficial to
relatives with patients ailing from the disease.

Agenesis of the corpus callosum is amongst the recurrent cranium deformities
witnessed in human beings. The disease is, in most cases, discovered in a substantial
percentage of invalids with mild symptoms. When linked with hydrocephalus, its occurrence
has an impact on neuro-developmental results. The mental and neurological indicators of
ACC diverge significantly from minor developmental complications to austere neurological

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