AFL-CIO and Teamsters

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AFL-CIO and Teamsters

The emergence of the national unions were as a result of the conflict that was between workers and corporations. The merger between the labor federation and the CIO led to the formation of the AFL-CIO that has been in existence since 1955 while teamsters on the other hand, has been in existence since 1903. We will therefore compare and contrast the two organizations in terms of the leadership structure and how the organizations are ran.

The leadership structure of the American Federation of Labor is pyramid-like form of governance that entails the quadrennial convention. This is whereby the representatives are mainly elected from allied unions in consideration of the members paying dues, which makes up the superlative governance authority whose main purpose is setting the goals and policies (Filler 33). They also did emulate the federal system of governance. In contrast, teamster’s leadership structure mainly comprises of the Overall Leader and Overall Administrator as the administrative officials in the organization. Twenty two vice presidents that are located in different states that make up the Executive Board as well as trustees elected at the convention.

The national federation consists of national officers that are basically organized into three clusters. They include branches that are administered and established by general officials in conjunction with the administrative board. The branches assist in functional purposes such as collective bargaining, legislating, mobilization as well as international affairs (Cornfield 98). The others are trade departments that are constitutionally created to serve unions with similar industry sectors. In contrast, teamsters’ main national officers include the treasurer reliable for supply of accurate and reliable financial information. Bookkeeping systems department responsible for the maintenance and updating of bookkeeping systems, automated and affiliates department that records the per capita payments to the union, strategies department as well as the communications branch.

The American Federation of labor is run on a daily basis by three national officers that include the president, administrator-financial officer and the executive vice president and also set the broad policies and programmatic directions. The official governing body of the executive council that comprises of three national officials and a designated number of national vice presidents. Moreover, General board that comprises of associates of the administrative board and principal officials of the organizations whose superiors are not state representatives. In regard to teamster, the organization is run through the local affiliated unions that are structured in order to promote local unions and leaders. Joint councils that are established in areas that have more than three local unions that help in the coordination of the Teamsters’ activities in those particular areas. Local unions are supported at the union’s headquarters in terms of contract negotiations and organizing as well getting advice and assistance from experienced professionals.

The factors to consider when recommending an organizational structure of a union include the national economy whereby the nature of the national economy plays a key role in determining the activities to be undertaken by trade unions and the occupation it seeks to represent. Secondly, legal provisions in regards to the activities carried out under the law so the structure and formation are all determined by the law. Lastly, the geographical size which entails the country’s geography that is also considered as important due to the fact that the largest or smallest country would determine the kind of industrial establishments along with the state of communication that would make sure that unions and their members are equally distributed.

Works Cited

Cornfield, Daniel B., and Holly J. McCammon. “Approaching merger: The converging public policy agendas of the AFL and CIO, 1938–1955.” Strategic alliances: Coalition building and social movements (2010): 79-98.

Filler, Michael. “Labor-management and the political paths of collaboration.” Public Manager 42.2 (2013): 33.






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