What are the most common communication mediums available to the government?

Graduate Programs Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards (DB) are a key component of online learning. They foster active participation of learners and dialog with fellow learners and instructors. Graduate-level courses require learners to create original posts to course DBs and to engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the course. Original posts and responses should be substantive, and if references are made to the works of others, APA guidelines for in-text citations and references apply.

Minimum Weekly DB Expectations

  • Post an original and thoughtful Main Post to the DB prompt. 
  • Respond to at least 2 other posts from learners and/or the instructor (Response Posts). 
  • The first contribution (Main Post or Response Post) must be posted before midnight (Central time) on Friday of each week. 
  • Two additional responses are required after Friday of each week. 
  • For DB assignment prompts with a Part One and Part Two, Part One should be addressed in the first week of the unit with a Main Post and minimum of 2 Response Posts, and Part Two should be addressed in the second week of the unit with a Main Post and a minimum of 2 Response Posts. 

More on DBs

At the end of each unit, DB participation is assessed based on level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion. DBs allow learners to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB are accepted after the end of the unit. Learners must demonstrate an appropriate depth of understanding of course content to receive credit for having submitted substantive posts. Typically, this is achieved with 3–4 strong paragraphs for Main Posts and 2–3 strong paragraphs for Response Posts.

Assignment Details

The ability to provide the public with information regarding terrorist groups, acts, and threats is critical to managing fear and anxiety. The importance of a carefully crafted message cannot be overstated. The government has many possible dissemination tools and sometimes the tool can dramatically affect the reception of the message. Proof of this became evident during the 2008 U.S. Presidential election where fundraising from the internet dwarfed conventional fundraising methods. The internet proved a more viable tool to communicate with the public. When communicating terrorist related information, it is critical to reach the target audience with the targeted message. 

As you consider the different methods used to communicate terrorism information with the public, discuss the following:

Assignment Guidelines

  • In 4–6 paragraphs, address the following: 
    • What are the most common communication mediums available to the government? Explain. 
      • What do you think are the pros and cons of each? Explain.
    • What unconventional communication methods might the government leverage? Explain. 
      • Why might these be appropriate tools for information dissemination? Explain.
    • The Department of Homeland Security currently uses a “Threat Level” system to communicate with the public regarding terrorism. Is this method effective?  
      • How has the continued state of “yellow” or elevated alert desensitized the American public to the threats from terrorism? Is this justified?  
      • What changes would you make to this system? Explain.
  • Post a new topic to the Discussion Board that contains your responses to the above questions. 
  • Comment on at least two other students’ posts.
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