Social Cognitive Theory
Investigate a body image issue using the social cognitive theory within the peer or family context. Develop an action strategy for the chosen target group (peers or family) to strengthen or maintain peers or family as a resource in relation to a selected body image issue. Define the issue and identify the issue statement/s.
-Use the social cognitive theory for the peer or family context analysis and needs assessment that
-analyses and interprets the most significant supporting secondary data, pre-test primary data, trends, barriers and enablers related to the chosen body image issue
-analyses the relationship between existing personal, social and community resources to draw conclusions about the most significant area of need
-critiques a range of contextual information to distinguish determinants related to the chosen body image issue
-determines a relevant social justice principle for the chosen body image issue and the need for an action strategy in a peer or family context
-Synthesise investigated information about trends, barriers, enablers and existing personal, social and community resources to develop an action strategy that includes:
-a target group (peers or family)
-the methodology and the resources required to address the needs, barriers and enablers for the target group by strengthening or maintaining peers or family as a resource
-the most significant Ottawa Charter action area and how it will be considered.
-post-test data collection strategies.